
Cheap And Chic Nursery Decorating Tips

Posted by Sunny Decals on on 22nd Jan 2013

Cheap And Chic Nursery Decorating Tips

Having a baby is an exciting and happy time in your family’s life and you want everything to be perfect when your little bundle of joy comes home. Prepping for baby is super fun, but, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, it can also get super expensive very quickly.  Between baby supplies, doctor’s appointments, and getting those adorable pairs of baby Toms shoes, the bills start to seem like they’re never ending. 

Decorating your baby’s nursery doesn’t have to cost you their entire college fund. We have some tips on how to transform your child’s room into a warm and inviting place without going completely broke. Whether you want to transform your baby’s room into a magical land or keep it classic, your decorating goals are totally achievable.

  1. Start with a Themed Wall Decal

    Okay, we might seem a bit biased since we love wall decals here, but hear us out. They are totally cheap, fun, and easy to switch up if you want to try something else. Browse through our extensive collection of nursery wall decals and find a theme you like – the rest of it will all fall into place.

  2. Scour Garage Sales

    Garage and rummage sales are great places to find unique pieces to round out your themed room. For example, if you chose to decorate your walls with transportation wall decals, you can hunt for unique vintage style toy cars or trains. Is your room taking to the skies? Maybe you’ll find a fun plane mobile. Remember one person’s junk is another person’s treasures.

  3. Search Online

    Think of the internet as the world’s biggest garage sale. If you already have something specific in mind (like a model spaceship to go with your space wall decal theme) you can narrow your search on sites like Etsy and eBay. Set a budget for yourself and start betting on items you like. The internet is also a great place for you to get rid of toys or decorations once your child has outgrown the theme or you’ve decided to do something different.

  4. Incorporate Hand-Me-Downs

    Does your own mother have the perfect princess doll from your childhood? Are you in love with your grandmother’s ballerina music box? Incorporating toys and knick knacks from your own childhood not only adds a nostalgic touch, but instantly helps keep family traditions going for generations to come.

  5. Get Crafty

    There are a ton of mommy blogs out there with totally chic and crafty ideas on how to make, well, everything from costumes to lampshades. A quick search on Pinterest yields tons of ideas as well. Crafting is not only a great release, but you can make something truly unique and cute using only a handful of products.

Here’s Babble’s list of the top 50 craft blogs from 2012:

Remember, planning and designing your baby’s new room is supposed to be one of the fun parts of parenting – not the most stressful. Have fun fitting all the pieces together and let your imagination soar.

Happy decorating!

Tell us about some clever (and cheap ways) you’ve decorated your child’s room. We’d love to hear your ideas.